The Ultimate 10-Week Cut: Week 8

Welcome back, fitness warriors! We're thrilled to embark on week 8 of our Ultimate 10-Week Cut journey. This week, we're dialing up the intensity with dropsets and supersets to propel your cutting goals to new heights. Are you ready to push your limits and achieve the physique you've been striving for? Let's dive in!


Prioritize Protein Intake for Optimal Results

Before we delve into the details of this week's workout regimen, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of prioritizing protein intake. Protein plays a vital role in supporting lean muscle growth and facilitating weight loss. Make sure to fuel your body with high-quality protein sources to maximize your results throughout the program.


Monday: Chest Day

  1. Start your week with a bang by targeting your chest muscles.

  2. Warm up with 10 minutes of cardio to get your blood flowing.

  3. Perform the following exercises:

  4. Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  5. Dumbbell Flyes: 4 sets x 12 reps

  6. Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure


Tuesday: Arm Day

  1. Get ready to sculpt those arms and achieve those coveted gains.

  2. Begin with a 10-minute cardio session to prep your body for the workout.

  3. Execute the following exercises:

  4. Straight Bar Preacher Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  5. EZ Bar Tricep Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  6. Dumbbell Hammer Curls x Tricep Dips Superset: 4 sets x 12 reps


Wednesday: Leg & Abs Day

  1. It's time to strengthen your lower body and chisel those abs.

  2. Start with dynamic stretching and 15 air squats to activate your muscles.

  3. Dive into the following exercises:

  4. Hack Squat: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  5. Deadlifts: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  6. Calf Raises: 3 sets x 15 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  7. Superset: Hanging Leg Raises + Russian Twists: 4 sets x 12 reps

  8. Plank Variations: Plank - 3 sets x 60 seconds, Side Plank (each side) - 3 sets x 30 seconds

  9. Cooldown with 10 minutes of cardio.


Thursday: Back Day

  1. Strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.

  2. Warm up with 10 minutes of cardio.

  3. Perform the following exercises:

  4. Bent Over Rows: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  5. Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  6. Seated Close-Grip Cable Rows: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure


Friday: Shoulder Day

  1. Sculpt those shoulders for a well-rounded physique.

  2. Begin with a 10-minute cardio warm-up.

  3. Execute the following exercises:

  4. Overhead Press: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  5. Upright Rows: 3 sets x 12 reps, followed by 1 triple dropset to failure

  6. Superset: Lateral Raises + Front Raises: 3 sets x 10 reps each


Saturday: Cardio

  1. Keep your heart rate up with 50 minutes of light cardio of your choice.


Sunday: Rest Day

  1. Take a well-deserved break and allow your body to recover and rejuvenate.

Are you ready to crush week 8 of the Ultimate 10-Week Cut? Remember to stay hydrated, fuel your body with nutritious foods, and prioritize rest to optimize your results. Keep pushing yourself, and let's make this week one to remember!